About me

I was a lawyer for over 30 years and wanted to write something other than legal reports. My chance came when the Lawyer Magazine was looking for restaurant reviewers. Reader, I got the gig.

I’m no longer a practicing lawyer and I write about restaurants now because I enjoy it. And maybe I can point you in the direction of something new that you wouldn’t otherwise have tried. Or heard of.

Disclosure: I’m not an influencer. I won’t accept freebies to write. I pay, because if I don’t, I can’t be objective.

My creds? I’ve always been obsessed with food and eating out. I’ve cooked since I was a child, because even at the age of 7, I knew what I wanted to eat and if I couldn’t persuade my mother to make it, which I rarely could, I worked out how to do it myself. I’ve never been good at accepting “no” as an answer.

And I used to read The Good Food Guide like a novel, before I could afford to eat out. I’ve been going to restaurants since pretty much the dawn of time. My latest foray into food is helping out at a cookery school. Mostly washing dishes, mind.

And you can follow me on Twitter, if you like, @the_food_judge which is where I post my reviews. And Instagram where I post as @thefood_judge

When I was young, I dreamt of being a restaurant inspector, one of those people who wrote for the Good Food Guide, with an animal sanctuary on the side. I did review restaurants for The Lawyer Magazine for a number of years and I’ve got a silly number of cats. I almost managed to fulfil that dream, even if it wasn’t in quite the way I’d imagined.

Even as a child I couldn’t get the food into my face quickly enough